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Curriculum level ranges (cutscores)

The following table shows the cut-off points for each curriculum level as at October 2013.

These are also referred to as cutscores.

Levels 1B, 1P and 1A are relevant for writing only. Scores less than level 2 are reported as <2B for all other subjects.


English medium

  Reading Writing Maths
Level From To From To From To
1B - - - 1231 - -
1P - - 1232 1296 - -
1A - - 1297 1360 - -
<2B - 1242 - - - 1293
2B 1243 1293 1361 1403 1294 1355
2P 1294 1346 1404 1446 1356 1380
2A 1347 1375 1447 1489 1381 1413
3B 1376 1397 1490 1522 1414 1438
3P 1398 1423 1523 1554 1439 1478
3A 1424 1445 1555 1587 1479 1504
4B 1446 1469 1588 1623 1505 1525
4P 1470 1501 1624 1659 1526 1547
4A 1502 1555 1660 1695 1548 1570
5B 1556 1586 1696 1738 1571 1594
5P 1587 1617 1739 1781 1595 1635
5A 1618 1641 1782 1825 1636 1694
6B 1642 1679 1826 1868 1695 1715
6P 1680 1702 1869 - 1716 1738
6A 1703 1733 - - 1739 1768
>6A 1734 - - - 1769 -


Māori medium

Level Panui (aPAs) Tuhituhi (aTUs) Pangarau (aPGs)
  From To From To From To
<2B   1351 - 1391 - 1353
2B 1352 1419 1392 1449 1354 1437
2P 1420 1460 1449 1502 1438 1483
2A 1461 1502 1502 1550 1484 1508
3B 1503 1528 1550 1599 1509 1573
3P 1529 1558 1599 1651 1574 1648
3A 1559 1592 1651 1699 1649 1708
4B 1593 1633 1669 1752 1709 1763
4P 1634 1670 1752 1769 1763 1831
4A 1671 1695 1769 1786 1832 1852
5B 1696 1727 1786 1803 1853 1903
5P 1728 1744 1804 1820 1904 2000
5A 1745 1780 1821 1838 2001 2065
6B 1781 1822 1838 1855 2066 2108
6P 1823 1878 1855 1872 2109 2142
6A 1879 1895 1873 1890 2142 2190
>6A 1896 - 1890 - 2191 -


Writing cutscore

  Lower score Upper score
1 Basic - 1231
1 Proficient 1232 1296
1 Advanced 1297 1360
2 Basic 1361 1403
2 Proficient 1404 1446
2 Advanced 1447 1489
3 Basic 1490 1522
3 Proficient 1523 1554
3 Advanced 1555 1587
4 Basic 1588 1623
4 Proficient 1624 1659
4 Advanced 1660 1695
5 Basic 1696 1738
5 Proficient 1739 1781
5 Advanced 1782 1825
6 Basic 1826 1868
> 6 Basic 1869 -


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