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e-asTTle Ministry of Education

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e-asTTle reports at a glance »
Provides an overview and links to a range of easTTle reports, such as Curriculum Levels, What Next Profile, Group Learning Pathway, and more.
View reports: General navigation »
Step-by-step instructions on searching for tests by specific test information. You can also search for tests sat by students in a group, or students of a particular year level, gender, ethnicity, and language.
Understanding a reading or maths Individual Learning Pathway (ILP) »
This report addresses the question “What are the strengths and weaknesses of individual students?”.
Tabular Report »
Lists your students’ ID numbers, year, demographic information, and all scores and levels. Tabular reports are available across different subjects.
Progress report »
This report addresses the question “How are my students progressing?”. Using this report, you can find out how your students are doing and track progress over time, including over schooling years.
Console Report »
A report that shows how your students doing compared to others of the same year level who are sitting e-asTTle tests. It shows your students’ e-asTTle scores – overall, depth, and strand – relative to the e-asTTle norms.

Console-Comparisons report »
Console and Console-Comparisons reports look very similar. Both compare your students based on year level and demographics. However, Console-Comparisons allows you to add an extra layer of comparisons.

Individual Question Analysis report »
A report designed to complement the ILP. Find out how to generate, access, and interpret the Individual Analysis Report (IQA).
Measurement error in e-asTTle »
Answers questions such as “How can we know what a precise score is?” and “How precise are e-asTTle scores?” and explains how measurement error is calculated differently depending on subject.
Reporting across multiple tests »
Six report types that allow you to look at multiple tests simultaneously. They fall into two categories – reports designed to combine results for tests sat closely together and reports designed to assess progress over time. 
Curriculum Levels report »
This report addresses the question “How are my students performing relative to curriculum level targets?”.
Group Learning Pathways (GLP) report »
This report, a group summary of the ILP report, addresses the question “What are the strengths and weaknesses of my group?”. 
What Next profile report »
Discover how to generate a report that answers addresses the question “What are my students’ next learning steps?”.
Generating an ILP »
Set of instructions for how to generate an ILP.
Deep and surface - the SOLO taxonomy used in e-asTTle »
The deep and surface scores which are used in e-asTTle Reading, Maths, Panui and Pangarau are based on the SOLO taxonomy.
e-asTTle norms: Reading and Maths »
Reflects the data collected in e-asTTle from 2007 until 2010. For reading and maths, norms are available for Year 4 to Year 12.
Overnight report generation »
Reports greater than 300 students are processed overnight. Look for a pop-up that indicates your report will be placed in an overnight queue and confirm this action. Information on this page also helps you troubleshoot issues that may arise.
Curriculum level ranges (cutscores) »
Cut-off points for each curriculum level as at October, 2013.
The Rasch model in e-asTTle »
Explains some of the underlying test theory. The e-asTTle writing scale is based on an extension of the Rasch Measurement Model (RMM), a mathematical model that used to transform ordinal observations into linear measures. 
Numeracy Project test report »
Two reports are available for numeracy tests. The Tabular report is a .csv file listing your students, their demographic information, and the Numeracy project stages. The Skyline report is a series of bar graphs for each domain. and Skyline report.
Constructing e-asTTle writing scale »
Thorough information about how this scale is made, which includes a graphical representation of the measurement scale constructed by the analysis process.
Recalibration »
When new questions are trialled and introduced or when the difficulty values for existing questions are updated, this is recalibration. Find out what to do if you see a warning and error message referring to re-calibration.
Guessing correction »
For reading and maths, an extra feature of e-asTTle scoring is a guessing correction that excludes unlikely responses from the scoring calculation.
Refresher on box-and-whisker plots »
A graph for displaying the distribution of a numerical variable, the e-asTTle box-and-whisker plots provide information about the centre of group achievement, as well as the spread.





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