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Adding an extra layer of comparisons with Console-Comparisons

Console and Console-Comparisons reports look very similar. Both compare your students based on year level and demographics. However, Console-Comparisons allows you to add an extra layer of comparisons.

Console-Comparisons addresses the following questions:

  • How are students of a specific gender, ethnicity and/or language doing compared to similar students?
  • How are my students doing compared to students in similar schools?

Only the groups you selected are included in the report, and e-asTTle norms refer to only students of your chosen group. For example, selecting "female" will only include your female students. They will be reported against the female e-asTTle norms.

Schools Like Mine

Your school is assigned one of 20 e-asTTle clusters, based on its location, decile, type, and size. Using the “Schools Like Mine” option will show your students’ performance compared to students in your e-asTTle cluster.

Using x-axis options with Console-Comparisons options

Your choice of the comparisons and x-axis options determines how scores are grouped together.

Year is the default option. This gives separate box-and-whisker plots for each year level. For all other options, you will have to select one year at a time.

Steps for choosing comparisons options.

  1. Select either:
    1. the demographic of the option you wish to use. You can select one or two.
    2. the "Schools Like Mine" option.
  2. Choose "Select X-axis".
  3. Select the radio button for the option you wish to use.
  4. If you have selected Year/Gender, Year/Ethnicity, Year/Language Groups or Year/Student Groups, a drop-down box will appear showing the year levels of students who have completed the test. Select one year level. 
    1. (Note that if you select Year/Student Groups and students belong to less than seven groups, the report will automatically generate with these groups. If students belong to eight or more groups, a separate panel will display. You must select up to seven groups and add these groups to the Selected Groups box.)
  5. Select "View Report" to view a PDF of the report.
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