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Sitting tests

For frequently asked questions about sitting tests, please select from the links below.

Can I administer my onscreen test as a paper test instead?

Yes – but only if the test is still in a "Pending" state. Go back into the e-asTTle application, select "Edit Test Settings" and change the delivery method. Please note that it is unlikely you will get the same set of questions.

If a test is in an "Accepted" or "Scored" state, you cannot change the delivery method.

A test must be administered using the delivery method specified during the test creation process.

How long before the assignment's due date can a student begin to sit a test?

Students can start sitting a test right up until the Due Date/time. If the Due Date/time is 01/04/2008 14:00, students could start the test at 01/04/2008 13:59.

The students will then have the total test time available to sit the test.

How long is an e-asTTle writing test?

Students should have 40 minutes to answer the questions. This does not include time to fill in the cover, answer the attitude questions, complete the data about themselves, or do the practice questions.

If you do give students more time you will need to take this into account when interpreting students' performance against the norm population performance. Extra time may help your students do better than the norm population who only had 40 minutes.

Where can students get help to troubleshoot problems that occur during testing?

If an error message displays, students should first try to follow the instructions and/or use the buttons provided to resolve the error rather than refreshing the screen or closing and re-opening the window. Refreshing or closing and reopening the test window can result in the system having to reload everything that is required for the test. This takes extra time due to the load on the e-asTTle server.

e-asTTle Help –Troubleshoot the test player has more information on different types of error messages and where students would would expect to see them.

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