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Marking tests

For frequently asked questions about marking tests, please select from the links below.

Do I enter the student responses or do I need to score them first when marking an assignment?

Tests delivered on paper

All the multi-choice questions require a response to be entered in the "Response" column. e-asTTle marks the multiple-choice questions for you.

All you need to do is select the response (a letter) from the dropdown box corresponding to the bubble the student chose. All other questions require a mark entered in the "Mark" column. You will need to mark the questions using the Marking Guide. Select "Help" for further information.

Tests delivered onscreen

Closed Questions
All the closed questions (where students select a response) will be automatically marked by the system. You cannot change the marks or responses students entered when they sat the test online.

Open Questions
Open questions (where students have to construct a response) need to be marked by you. Select "Help" for further information.

What characters can I use when entering responses or marks?

You can only enter responses and marks from the list in the dropdown box, which is tailored to each question. There is also a column that lists all the "Valid Entries" that you can enter.

How do I score the attitude questions?

For maths, reading and writing
"Very Unlike Me" is the weakest indication of the attitude domain, so it is marked as 1.

"Very Like Me" is the strongest indication of the attitude domain, so it is marked as 4.

For Pānui, Pāngarau and Tuhituhi
The most unhappy face is first in order, so it gets marked as 1.

The most smiley face is fourth, so it gets marked as 4.

1 is a very negative attitude and 4 is a very positive attitude.

What do I enter if a student selects two or more responses for multiple-choice questions?

Multiple-choice questions require students to select only one answer. Students who select more than one response on their paper tests do not know the correct answer.

Enter this response as a dash (-). The e-asTTle software will treat the response as wrong.

How can you record data for the same test given twice to the same students?

Use the "Copy Test" function to create a copy of the test before entering the results.

If someone else has created a test with the same name as mine, how can I tell which one is mine?

You can usually see the name of the owner of the test in any table which lists the test, so can identify your one.

You could edit your test name in the "View Existing Test" page, to make it more identifiable.

Why can't I mark my assignment?

Paper tests

The "Date Available" has not passed yet.

Paper and onscreen tests
The "Due Date" has not passed yet.

Onscreen tests
The test is made up of all closed questions. You do not need to mark this test as the system will mark all the questions for you.

One or more students have not sat and submitted the test for marking yet, and the "Due Date" has not passed. As soon as either all students assigned the test have sat and submitted it or the "Due Date" has passed, you will be able to mark the test.

No students sat the onscreen test (if no students sat the test, then you cannot enter in any marks).

If there are many assignments for the same test, how can I identify the assignment that I created??

When you create an assignment, print out the Assignments Report (from the "Assignment" page) and note the "Date Available"/"Date Due" and group that was assigned.

This will help you find your particular assignment. If you have not printed an Assignment Report, then go into the assignment you think is yours and check that the list of students included is as expected.

Do I need to select "Save" after I have entered the responses/marks for a student? How do I know they have been saved?

You do not need to select the "Save" button every time you enter responses /marks. When you move on to another student, e-asTTle autosaves the entries you have just made. Select "Save" before you exit the marking screen as a precaution.

 Before exiting the marking screen, check that the "Marked" column has changed to "Yes" for all the students.

Why is the "Save" button not enabled when I am marking a test?

On some browsers, the "Save" button will not become enabled until have selected the link with the student’s name on the left-hand side of the marking screen before saving marks. 

Why do I get the message "There are no open-ended questions in this test" when I go to mark my test?

If you have an onscreen test made up of 100% closed questions, there is no marking data entry required. e-asTTle automatically marks all the closed questions (questions where the student selects a response).

How does the "Finish Today" button work? When am I able to mark the test?

When you select the "Finish Today" button, e-asTTle will update the due date for the test as the current date and the time as 23:59, so the test may be marked on the following day.

How do I enter stages for a Numeracy Project test?

Select the "Create New Test" button on the left-hand menu, and then select Numeracy Project. You can then select your test and use the "Enter Stages" button to enter stages for students.

Is it true that the computer will mark the tests? If so, what about subjects or questions without "yes" and "no" answers?

Yes. The more closed questions the teacher selects, the more marking the computer is able to do. Responses to the open-ended questions (questions without "yes" or "no" answers) will be presented in a way that makes them simpler to mark. Teachers are able to choose the proportion of closed and open questions.

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