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e-asTTle Ministry of Education

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Set up steps for e-asTTle external coordinators

e-asTTle External Coordinators should complete each of the following set-up steps. 

Step 1: Apply for an ESL account (username & password for accessing e-asTTle)

e-asTTle access is maintained via the Education Sector Logon.

To set up External Coordinator access, download and complete the e-asTTle External Coordinator Request form.

A separate e-asTTle Access Request Form (External Coordinator) must be completed for each person requiring access to e-asTTle as an External Coordinator.

Please ensure:

  • all mandatory fields have been completed (those fields marked with an *)
  • forms have been signed (by the applicant) and authorised (by the applicant's line manager).

After you have completed the request form, submit it to the Education Service Desk.

  • Post: Education Service Desk, PO Box 1666, Wellington 6140
  • Email: [email protected] – email a scanned copy of the form

Step 2: Review the e-asTTle support material

External Coordinators are strongly encouraged to review the e-asTTle support material, which includes:

Other resources available: 

External coordinators can use the e-asTTle training environment to test and showcase various features of e-asTTle in a secure environment ("sandbox").

To access the e-asTTle training environment, please contact the Education service desk at [email protected], to obtain the appropriate ESL account (which is separate and additional to the ESL account obtained in Step 1).

The e-asTTle Training Environment can be accessed from the following pages, depending on the e-asTTle role that you wish to use.

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