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Text for image - Adaptive test pathways

Black and white diagram with box at the top which contains text "Stage 1 Questions Set."

Three arrows point down from the heading box to three more boxes placed side by side vertically.

Underneath the three boxes are three more boxes, also placed side by side vertically.

The left box on the second row has contains text "Stage 2 Easier set." Two arrows point down from this box to two boxes on row three. The first arrow points to a box which contains text "Stage 3 Easier Set." The second arrow points to the middle box in row three which contains text "Stage 3 Middle Set."

The middle box on row two has three arrows pointing down from it. The first arrow points to the box on the left side of row three which contains text "Stage 3 Easier Set." The second arrow points to the middle box of row three which contains text "Stage 3 Middle Set"

The right hand box in the second row contains text "Stage 2 Harder Set." Two arrows point down from this box to two boxes on row three. The first arrow points to the middle box in row three which contains text 'Stage 3 Middle Set". The second arrow points to the right hand box on row three which contains text "Stage 3 Harder Set.

The diagram is contained inside a black border.

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