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e-asTTle Ministry of Education

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Research Data settings

Shared response data may be used for research and re-norming purposes. You are encouraged to share this data so it is available for continual e-asTTle reporting improvement.

If you choose to share your data, identifying information about your school and students will be removed during data extraction to ensure anonymity. The current default for sharing data is set to enabled.

To change your "Research Data" settings:

  1. Select "Maintenance" from left menu
  2. Select "Research Data Settings"
    1. This page shows your current setting which is defaulted to enabled. To disable this data sharing option, untick the checkbox.
  3. Select "Save".

A confirmation box will appear – select "OK" to confirm.

Screenshot of Research Data. Under the heading “If you wish to share student data, you will need to enable the Data Sharing option.” is Research Data. Information about the Enabled setting follows. At the bottom of the page is a Save button.

Select the image to view it at a larger size.


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