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Text version of Create Test – Options

Create Test – Options


Customised Select
Customised Select – the subject, difficulty, and curriculum strands you would like to test. You will also be able to specify other options such as delivery method.

Right-hand button contains text Create Customised Test.


Create Writing/Tuhituhi Prompt
Create Writing/Tuhituhi Prompt – select the Prompt that you would like your students to write about.

Right-hand button contains text Create Writing/Tuhituhi Prompt.


Create an Onscreen Adaptive Test
Create an Onscreen Adaptive Test – select the subject, difficulty, and curriculum strands you would like to test. e-asTTle will set up a framework for the test and the questions will adjust as the student sits the test.

This test can only be administered by the students sitting the questions onscreen.

Right-hand button contains text Create Adaptive Test.


Copy an existing test
Make a copy of an existing test. This allows you to administer the test with another group (or same group at a different time) and keep the reports separated.

Right-hand button contains text Copy Existing Test.


Create a test similar
Create a test similar to an existing test – allows you to create a test using the same settings as a test you have created previously. The test creation process will result in a new set of questions.

Right hand button contains text Create Similar Test.


e-asTTle Numeracy Project
e-asTTle Numeracy Project – allows you to view and add Numeracy Project assessments, enter stages for required students, and print reports.

Right hand button contains text Numeracy Project. There is a red ring around this button and text.

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