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e-asTTle Ministry of Education

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Adding students to a group

The easiest way to do this is by extracting an .ast file from your school’s Student Management System and importing it into e-asTTle. Please refer to How to import student data (.ast file)

Otherwise, follow the steps below to manually add students to a group.

Go to the e-asTTle login menu on the right-hand side of the page and select "Login as a teacher".

Screenshot of e-asTTle login tile.
  1. Select "Manage Students" from the menu on the left.
  2. Select "Manage Existing Group", listed under Group Details.
  3. Select the radio button next to the required group. See the image below.
  4. Select "Change".
  5. Enter the required description. A description must be completed to continue.
  6. Select "Continue".
  7. Select the Add button, listed below "Student Details".
  8. Fill in the Filters section to locate the required students.
  9. Select "Search".
  10. Tick the check box next to the required student.
  11. Select "Continue"
  12. Select "Save".
Screenshot of page in e-asTTle with arrow pointing to an empty radio button.

Image for step 3 - Select the radio button next to the required group.
Select the image to view it at a larger size.


More detailed information can be found at Help with e-asTTle - Managing group information.

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