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Add Numeracy Project results

Using e-asTTle, you can enter stages and generate basic reports for the following Numeracy Project assessments.

  • NumPA
  • GloSS
  • IKAN

Accessing the Numeracy Project

Access the Numeracy Project by selecting "Create Test" from the left menu and then selecting "Numeracy Project".

Numeracy is a completely separate area in e-asTTle. You cannot view numeracy tests through "View Existing Tests". Likewise, you cannot view numeracy reports through "View Reports".

Screen shot of Create Test - Options page. Under the heading are six options: Customised, Create Writing/Tutuhituhi Prompt, Create an Onscreen Adaptive Test, Copy an existing test, Create a test similar to an existing test, e-asTTle Numeracy Project. To the right are these options on buttons. A red circle is around the Numeracy Project button.

Select image to view it at a larger size.

Text version of image Create Test - Options


The first screen you will see is "View Existing Numeracy Tests".

All numeracy tests that have been added can be accessed from this screen. It is also where you can delete tests, access the test to enter stages, and view reports.

Screenshot of View Existing Numeracy Tests. This is the list of all your existing Numeracy Assessment tests. Select a test to enter stages or view report. Click on Add Test to create a new test assignment. Under these instructions are Filters for Test Information: Test, Owner, Status, Year. A Search button is to the right of these filters. Under that is Tests, which has information for Test Name, Owner, School, Test Type, Date Created, and Marked. On the bottom left, the Add Test button is highlighted.

Select image to view it at a larger size.

Finding an existing numeracy test

Use the filters and select "Search" to bring up an existing Numeracy test.

Steps for Adding (Assigning) a new Numeracy test

First select "Add Test". Then, give your test:

  • a name (For example, name your IKAN test with the IKAN version.)
  • a description. (You may want to include information on the student group who took the test.)

Next, select the Assessment Type – whether your test is a GloSS, IKAN or NumPA.

Then, use the drop-down to select the Group who took/will take the assessment. Select the relevant students.

  • To select all students select "Add All". 
  • Otherwise, select individual students from the group by either double-clicking the preferred student or students one by one. You could also do this by holding down the CTRL key as you select each student. 

Once all students you want to include are highlighted in grey, select "Add".

Finally, select either one of these:

  • "Save" to create your assessment and enter marks later 
  • "Save & Enter Stages" to go directly to the marking screen. 
Screenshot Assign Numeracy Test: Enter Details. Assign a numeracy test to students. Underneath those words are Test Details (Test Name, Description), Select Test (Assessment Type – IKAN is ticked), and Assign To (School, Group). Three columns site below: on the left – Students, in the middle – buttons (Add All, Add, Remove, Remove All), on the right – Selected Students. At the bottom are buttons Go Back, Save, Save and Enter Stages.

Entering Stages for a Numeracy test

From the "View Existing Numeracy Tests" screen, tick a check-box next to your test name, then Select "Enter Stages"’.

The steps from here are similar to those in normal e-asTTle marking.

  1. Click on the student you wish to mark from the Group table (left-hand side).
  2. Ensure the correct "Date Administered" displays, to make sure reports display correctly.
  3. Enter the appropriate stages in the Response table (right-hand side).

The "Valid Entries" column shows you what values are accepted for the domain.

Screenshot Enter Stages: IKAN5. Enter the stages for the students who have completed the appropriate forms, domains, banks for the NumPA, GloSS, and IKAN tests. Underneath that sits a list of students, and Student Erin Donnell’s information is displayed. Below are buttons Numeracy tests, Next Student, and Save.

Select image to view it at a larger size.

The NumPA diagnostic interview starts with a set of preliminary questions (white form) to determine whether to use form A, B, or C for each student’s assessment.

For NumPA, you need to select the form from the dropdown box in order for the correct domains for that form to become available.

Screenshot Enter Stages: NumPA3. Enter the stages for the students who have completed the appropriate forms, domains, banks for the NumPA, GloSS, and IKAN tests. Underneath that sits a list of students, and Student Charlotte Tui’s information is displayed. Below are buttons Numeracy tests, Next Student, and Save.

Select image to view it at a larger size.

All domains need to be completed before the student is reported on. If a student fails to attain a stage for a given domain, enter a dash (-).

Next steps

After you have entered a student’s marks, select either one of these:

  • "Next Student" to enter the responses for each student in the table
  • the student you wish to mark next.

Complete the table for all students.

Notice that as you save the completed responses for each student, the "Complete" column changes from "No" to "Yes".

When you have finished marking, select "Save" to save all entries.

To return back to the main screen, select "Numeracy tests".


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